The Pet Connector
It's not just Communication - it's all about Healing!
The Pet Connector
It's not just Communication - it's all about Healing!
How can I as an Animal Communicator help you as your beloved animal is nearing the end of its life?
How can I as an Animal Communicator help you as your beloved animal is nearing the end of its life?
As a life-long pet mom, when one of my animals is nearing the end of his/her life, my emotional state seems to become paralyzed. All of our years together seem to count for nothing, as we're nearing the end of our physical relationship together on earth. I usually have no rational reasoning abilities left, and my intuition becomes stunted. I have so many questions, and want answers:
- Are they in pain?
- Are they ready to transition yet?
- Do they want assistance or do they want to pass at home?
- What can I do to make their remaining days more comfortable?
- Do they have a "Bucket List?"
- How can I ever get through this?
These are the most common questions asked of me as an Animal Communicator, when my clients are facing this situation. It is bittersweet for me, as I feel privileged to be a part of this important and intimate time of their lives together. When I can find out directly from their animal the answers to these questions, it is one of the most rewarding experiences I've ever had.
If you find yourself in this situation, please reach out to me! We can (1) set up a Communication Session with your animal, (2) determine if it would be helpful to do Tapping Sessions with either/both you and your animal, to help you through the emotional aspect of your circumstances.

Pumpkin May 26, 2021, transitioned in August 2021
Awareness - Acceptance - Action
Preparing for an Animal's Impending Transition
Awareness - Acceptance - Action
Preparing for an Animal's Impending Transition

Jake, passed in Sept 2018
Good Grief!
Navigating the Emotional Roller Coaster of Losing a Pet
Good Grief!
Navigating the Emotional Roller Coaster of Losing a Pet
Can grief be a good thing?
We who have loved animals all know that grief is very real, and often difficult to live through.
It's important that we feel those feelings, rather than stuff them, as that can cause us to become hardhearted and numb, affecting our relationships with any future animal companions.
It's also important that we process through any guilt and regret from the end of life decisions we participated in for our animals.
If these feelings are not processed, they WILL affect us in a negative way, harming both US and our future animals.
having personally lost 14 cats and 1 horse
over the past 16 years.
I can communicate with your animals who have passed, giving you peace of mind and closure.
Through EFT Tapping, I can help you release any guilt and regret that may have accompanied the end of life decisions that were made.
Please reach out to me, and I will help you through this.
Squeaker, passed in August 2019

Big Boy loved to sleep on my head!
My Personal Story of Big Boy:
Healing through Tapping
(20 years later)
My Personal Story of Big Boy:
Healing through Tapping
(20 years later)
I always refer to Big Boy as “My B.C.E.” (Best Cat Ever). Big Boy was my animal soul mate, and was 14 yrs old when he transitioned over 20 years ago. He was my first cat as an adult, a large, black and grey striped Tiger Cat, who slept on my head EVERY night, and nestled in my hair with a really big purr! When I would turn over in bed, he would turn over and face the other side with me.
Every time I left the house, I felt sadness and guilt, as I never wanted to be away from him. He was my protector and guard kitty, and we had a true heart connection.
We started out in VA Beach together, after my ex-husband and I adopted him from a friend. He was still a young cat, about 8-9 months old. He was allergic to his mother’s milk, so he had been bottle-fed, and bonded to humans as a young kitten. We moved to Japan together for 5 years, then to Georgia, and finally back to VA Beach.
After our last move to VA Beach, Big Boy developed cancer in the head area. This started affecting his vision and hearing. I was so attached to this cat, though, and was of the mindset that as long as he had the will to live, I would honor that. In reality, I just didn’t ever want to let him go. His condition continued to deteriorate, but I was determined to keep holding on to him. This was the cause of much of my guilt, as he was in pain, and I was oblivious.
The day before he died, I let him outside to be in the yard, which he loved. He slept outside in the sun for a long time, and then I brought him in. The next day, I noticed that he had “stopped purring,” and being responsive to me. I looked closer at his head, and some flies had laid eggs in there, and they had hatched. He was infested with maggots. I didn’t know what they were right away, but when we figured it out, I was mortified.
We took him to the emergency vet immediately and had him humanely euthanized. How could I have let this happen? I berated myself for 20 years at how selfish I was, and insensitive for not seeing the amount of pain he was in. I shut myself off emotionally towards other animals, although I took in many, many strays after that.
I am only just now starting to open up my heart to these beautiful animals that I currently have, thanks to the healing power of Tapping (EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique). Tapping has helped we work through the guilt, self- condemnation, self- hate, regret, selfishness, and sadness that I stuffed for 20 years.
I’m finally able to let go of this, and move on. I’m grateful to Big Boy for the love and gifts he gave to me, and for the healing I can now help bring to others through Tapping.
I've prepared a free 20 minute video for you to Tap along with, for Healing After the Death of Your Pet. Go to the bottom of the EFT Tapping page, and you will see it!